Illustration by Andrés Montes

Our lab recruits graduate and undergraduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers through the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech.
Our lab is a collaborative environment where researchers can explore their creativity while engaging in research. We promote a healthy community life in all the activities we participate in, including fieldwork, lab work, outreach, teaching, service, mentoring, recruiting, and collaborating. This is achieved by abiding by values such as gratitude, kindness, respect, honesty, teamwork, safety, and acknowledgment. The lab encourages open discussion of ideas and provides space for incorporating different perspectives into the projects we work on.
My mentoring and communication philosophy relies on open discourse of ideas, respectful argumentation, and promoting opportunities to develop thoughts and projects independently. Moreover, I believe that developing tools for long-term learning is foundational for building knowledge. I also strongly believe that there are no obvious questions. I will encourage students and postdocs to question what they know. Sometimes, significant advances in science can be motivated by questioning what we consider obvious.
Information for Prospective Postdocs:
I encourage prospective postdocs to get in touch if interested in applying for an independent postdoctoral fellowship. I am more than happy to collaborate with you in developing a project proposal together. Please contact me and include a copy of your CV along with a short message on your research interests.
Information for Prospective Graduate Students:
If you are interested in joining the lab as a master’s or PhD student, please contact me and include a copy of your CV along with a short message on your research interests and why you would like to join our team.
Information for Prospective Undergraduate Students:
If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact me and include a short message on why you would like to join our team.
Contact Information:
Valentina Gómez-Bahamón, Email: valentinagb[@]vt.edu, Virginia Tech, Derring Hall 926 W Campus Dr, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Additional Information:
Our lab is also associated with The Field Museum of Natural History and SELVA: Investigación para la Conservación en el Neotrópico