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Illustration by Andrés Montes

Peer-reviewed Articles
Stefanini M.I., Milla Carmona P.S., Gómez-Bahamón V., Mongiardino Koch N., Soto I.M., Gómez R.O., Zyskowski K., Tambussi C.P. Craniofacial modularity and the evolution of cranial kinesis in the adaptive radiation of Furnariidae (Aves: Passeriformes). Evolution. qpaf013
Gómez-Bahamón V., Femayor-Pérez J., Durán R., Monroy S., Gutiérrez N., Caro D., Kardynal K., Toews D., Bayly N. Ephemeral River Islands Serve as Roosting and Foraging Habitat for Boreal and Austral Migratory Songbirds. Ecology.
Gómez-Bahamón V. Museum specimens uncover the past, present and future. Nature Climate Change 13: 608–609.
Gómez-Bahamón V., Chen, E.R., Tuero, D.T., Sabio, M. N., Tkach, K., Assis, M., Heming, N.M., Marini, M.Â., Bates, J. M. Egg Shape Variation Across the Distribution of the Partially Migratory Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana). Journal of Avian Biology.
Estrada-Villegas, S, Rivas, L. D., Barrera J. F., Barrera-Rivas, S., Correa, D.F., Arguello, S., Aldana, A. M., Casas, L. F. Lozano-Balcázar, A., Gómez-Bahamón, V., Gómez, C., Bayly, N., Jahn A., Quiñones, A., Corbett, E., Castro, F., Stevenson, P. Plant, bird and mammal diversity of the TomoGrande field station, Vichada, Colombia. Biota Colombiana.
Van Els, P., E. Zarza, L. R. Moreira, Gómez- Bahamón, V., A. Santana, A. Aleixo, C. C. Ribas, P. Sena, M. Pérsio, D. Santos, K. Zyskowski, R. O. Prum, J. Berv, Recent divergence and lack of shared phylogeographic history characterize the diversification of neotropical savanna birds. Journal of Biogeography.1–14.
Gómez-Bahamón V., Tuero D.T., Castaño M.I., Jahn A.E., Bates J.M., Clark C.J. 2020. Sonations in migratory and Non-migratory Fork-tailed Flycatchers. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Icaa 115.
Gómez-Bahamón V., Márquez R., Jahn A., Yumi Miyaki C., Tuero D.T., Laverde O., Restrepo S., and Cadena C. D. 2020. Speciation Associated with Shifts in Migratory Behavior in a Large Radiation of Birds. Current Biology. 30 (7): 1312-1321.e6.
Schumm M., Edie M. S., Collins K.S., Gómez-Bahamón V., Supriya K., White A.E., Price T.D., and Jablonski D. 2019. Common latitudinal gradients in functional richness and functional evenness across marine and terrestrial systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286:1908.
Alex E. Jahn, Bejarano V., Benavides-Guzmán M., Brown L.M., Carvalho-Provinciato I.C., Cereghetti J., Cueto V. R., Giraldo J.I., Gómez-Bahamón V., Husak M.S., LePage H., MacPherson M., Marini M.Â., Pizo M.A., Quickle A., Roeder D.V., Sarasola J.H., Tuero D.T. 2017. Molt while breeding? Lessons from New World Tyrannus flycatchers. Journal of Ornithology. 158: 1061-1072.
Gómez C., Gómez-Bahamón V., Cardenas, L., Bayly, N. 2014. Distribution of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds along a South American elevation gradient during spring migration. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127(1):72-86.
Other Publications
Gómez-Bahamón, V. An identification guide for Swallows in flight in Colombia, ¿Qué golondrina es? eBird Colombia.
Schmitt F. and Gómez-Bahamón V. 2018. Mero Grande (Agriornis lividus) (p.494). In: Medrano F., Barros R., Norabuena H.V., Matus R. and Schmitt F. Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes de Chile. Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
Rueda C., Matiz A., Montoya P.A., Cespedes L.N., Ocampo D., Gómez- Bahamón V., Cadena C.D., Franco C. 2018. Guía Ilustrada de las Aves de la Universidad de los Andes. Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá, Colombia. Winner of the Andigraf award. Colombia.
Jahn A.E., Guaraldo A. C., Masson D. A., Tuero D.T., Giraldo J.I., Jiménez J.E., Sarasola J.H., MacPherson M., Bravo S.P., Gómez-Bahamón V., Cueto V.R. 2015. Las Aves Migratorias de América del Sur. Ciencia Hoy. Número 142.
Gómez-Bahamón V., Estrada S., Plata N.V., Bahamón E., Rodríguez. 2011. Ciencia en Equipo y la Importancia de los Canales de Comunicación: Reseña del Taller “Construyendo Capacidades para la Protección de los Murciélagos de Colombia”. Boletín de la Red Latinoamericana para la Conservación de los Murciélagos. Vol 2/N5.
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